Burglary Prevention Measures During a Hurricane

Hurricanes sometimes result in the evacuation of entire neighborhoods. Once the storm has passed, residents slowly trickle back into town. During this transition, burglars often seek out unoccupied houses to snatch up valuables before families return home. This is why post-storm burglary prevention is so important.

burglary prevention

Burglary Prevention Tips for Hurricane Season

Preventing burglary starts with securing the home long before an evacuation is underway.

When a major storm starts moving in, everything happens fast. Theft is one of many hazards to look out for as you rush to protect your home and family. 

Plan ahead for burglary prevention with these tips. 

Double-Check Window and Door Locks Before Evacuating 

On your pre-evacuation checklist, include a list of all your windows and doors. Don’t forget the garage, shed, and other less-used entries. Make sure that each window and door is properly locked before you leave town. 

Move Valuables to a Secure and Hidden Part of the Home

Stash your high-value possessions in a spot that’s secure and inconspicuous. Items like jewelry, small electronics, and cash have high monetary value and can be easily tucked away. 

Layered security is best, such as placing a safe in an interior locked closet or out of sight in a secret storage nook. 

Install a Home Door and Window Alarm

Some alarm systems can send you alerts if a door or window is broken. This is equally useful for preventing both storm damage and criminal activity. Knowing right away when damage or a burglary attempt occurs helps you react as swiftly as possible. 

Install Security Cameras in Strategic Locations

Security cameras in a few key areas can capture clear images of criminal activity. The best spots for cameras are usually around the front and back door, living room, hallways, and bedrooms. 

Install a Video-Enabled Doorbell

To make sure the home is empty, a burglar may ring the doorbell before breaking and entering. Doorbell cameras notify homeowners when the bell is pressed or if there’s motion in front of the camera. 

When your doorbell camera is activated, you can immediately see and talk to whoever is at the door. If it’s a thief, they may believe you are home. Either way, they will be aware you are monitoring the home and likely move on to an easier target. 

Security Limitations After A Storm

Security systems, including alarms and video cameras, are a logical step toward burglary protection. However, although they are recommended, it is important to be mindful that these systems may not always work after a hurricane while power and phone lines are down. Also, after a hurricane, police may not be able to respond as they normally would, because of downed trees, limited staff and other storm-related emergencies.

Move Vehicles Into the Garage

If you’re leaving any vehicles at home when you evacuate, place them in the garage, if possible. If you don’t have a garage with car storage space, use the most-sheltered part of your property that provides protection from wind and debris. 

Parking your vehicles out of sight prevents storm damage and reduces the likelihood of a burglar stealing valuables from the car or taking off with the car itself. 

Create a Hurricane Plan With Your Neighbors

Team up with your neighbors. Create a community hurricane action plan to prepare for a neighborhood-wide evacuation event. Your plan may include:

  • Exchanging phone numbers and setting up a phone chain or group text 
  • Helping one another pack vehicles before evacuating
  • Notifying the group if anyone’s home security system is triggered
  • Sharing updates from authorities 
  • Planning for the first neighbor who returns home to check on the other homes for signs of damage or break-ins

Solidarity and shared effort among your neighbors helps you face a challenging time with confidence. 

Installing Hurricane-Rated Impact Windows Can Help With Burglary Prevention

Hurricane impact windows provide resistance against wind and physical strikes, such as flying debris. Upgrading your windows for hurricane safety is a smart investment for any Florida homeowner. Severe weather is a fact of life in the Sunshine State, so it’s important to be prepared. 

Unlike metal shutters or plywood boards, impact windows remain permanently installed throughout the home. You don’t need to rush through window protection steps during an evacuation—your safeguards are in place every day. 

Additionally, impact windows offer home security benefits. Unlike traditional glass, these windows don’t shatter. They resist the force of a destructive instrument that a burglar might use to attempt a break-in. 

Plus, unlike most alarm systems, impact windows can thwart break-ins even when the power is out and phone lines are down.

Protect Your Home With Hurricane-Rated Impact Windows

Paradise Exteriors is South Florida’s leading installation contractor for hurricane windows and doors, as well as stormproof roofing. 

Windows by Paradise Exteriors provide permanent and superior advantages in these areas:

  • Hurricane protection
  • Noise reduction
  • Energy efficiency 
  • Home security recognized by the National Crime Prevention Council
National Crime Prevention Council

Paradise Platinum Windows, our signature product, are manufactured in the USA by Soft-Lite. The only hurricane impact window endorsed by the National Crime Prevention Council.

To meet the next hurricane season fully prepared, contact Paradise Exteriors to learn more and receive a free estimate. Call: 844-749-2121


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